Humane wildlife trapping uses live traps to capture animals such as skunks and raccoons in a humane and ethical manner. This method of trapping minimizes stress and discomfort for the animals. Always ensure that they are not harmed during the trapping process.
Understand how humane live trapping works. It is important to understand the basic principles of live trapping. Live trapping involves the use of a cage or other enclosure to capture the animal without harming it. The trap is baited with food or other attractants to lure the animal into the enclosure, where it is then securely captured.
Once the animal is captured, it is important to handle it in a gentle and humane manner. This means avoiding rough or aggressive handling, and using care and caution when removing the animal from the trap. The animal should be transported to a safe and suitable location for release, where it can be released back into the wild.
One key advantage of humane live trapping is that it is a non-lethal method of removing animals from your property. Unlike other methods, humane live trapping does not cause any harm to the animals and allows them to be released unharmed. This is especially important for species such as skunks and raccoons, which are protected by law in many areas.
More advantages of humane live trapping is that it is a highly effective method of removing animals from your property. Live traps are designed to be effective at capturing the animals, and they can be used to remove multiple animals if necessary. This is in contrast to other methods such as exclusion. Exclusion may only prevent the animals from accessing certain areas but do not actually remove them from your property.
In terms of the practicalities of humane live trapping, there are a few key considerations to keep in mind. First, it is important to use the right type of trap for the animal you are targeting. For example, cage traps are commonly used for skunks and raccoon may not be suitable for smaller wildlife like squirrels.
It is also important to use the right bait for the animal you are targeting. Different animals are attracted to different types of bait. It is important to research the species you are dealing with and use an appropriate bait. For example, skunks are attracted to foods such as fish, eggs, and chicken, while raccoons are attracted to sweet and fatty foods such as marshmallows and bacon.
Once the trap is set, it is important to check it regularly to ensure that any animals that have been captured are removed in a timely manner. If the animals are left in the trap for too long, they may become stressed or uncomfortable. It is also important to release the animals in a suitable location, away from any potential sources of conflict or danger.
Overall, humane live trapping is a humane and effective method of removing skunks and raccoons from your property. By using the right type of trap, bait, and handling techniques, you can achieve raccoon removal in Toronto without causing the animals any harm.
Learn about wildlife removal services:
When handling a trapped skunk how do you avoid. Getting sprayed?
1. Approach Slowly and Quietly
Skunks have poor eyesight but are very sensitive to sudden movements and loud noises, which can startle them into spraying. Approach the trap slowly and speak softly if you need to make any noise, to keep the skunk as calm as possible.
2. Use a Gentle Cover
Gently cover the trap with a large, heavy cloth or towel. This can help to calm the skunk down and prevent it from spraying, as skunks generally don’t spray what they can’t see. Make sure to cover the trap before you get too close, ideally when you are still several feet away.
3. Keep the Skunk Covered
Once covered, keep the cloth between you and the skunk at all times. If you need to move the trap, do so gently and with slow, steady motions to avoid alarming the skunk.
4. Transport Carefully
If you need to transport the skunk for release, do so gently. Ensure the trap stays level to avoid frightening the skunk. A smooth, quiet ride will help keep the skunk calm.
5. Release Gently
When releasing the skunk, do so in a quiet, secluded area away from busy streets or populated areas. Slowly remove the cover from the trap from the back, keeping as much distance as possible between you and the trap opening. Allow the skunk to exit the trap on its own; do not try to force it out.
6. Keep Your Distance
After setting up for release, step back and give the skunk plenty of space to leave the trap. It’s less likely to spray if it doesn’t feel cornered or threatened.
7. Wash the Trap After Use
After the skunk has been released and you’re safely away from the area, thoroughly clean and disinfect the trap. This helps remove any scents that might stress future trapped animals or attract other skunks.
Prevention Tips:
Secure garbage cans with tight-fitting lids to avoid attracting skunks.
Remove food sources like pet food, birdseed, or accessible compost materials from your yard.
Seal entry points around your home where skunks could enter for shelter.
My dad has been having ongoing issues with raccoons invading our backyard and causing a mess, especially near the dog’s play area. After discovering that these raccoons could pose a threat to our beloved pet’s safety, he’s become determined to find a dog-proof raccoon trap to ensure both our dog and the property stay secure from these wildlife intruders. I’ll tell him that one major benefit of humane live trapping is that, unlike other methods, it is a non-lethal means of getting rid of animals from your land. This enables the animals to be released uninjured.