Pest Protection Plus answers the question, do skunks hibernate in the winter? Skunks are a common sight in Southern Ontario, known for their distinctive black and white markings and, of course, their potent odour. These small mammals play a vital role in our local ecosystem, but they can also become a nuisance if they decide to take up residence under your shed or deck. Understanding their behaviour, especially during the winter months, can help you coexist peacefully with these fascinating creatures.
Skunks are mammals belonging to the Mephitidae family, known for their ability to spray a foul-smelling liquid as a defence mechanism. In Southern Ontario, we typically encounter the striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis). They are about the size of a house cat, with a bushy tail and a distinctive black and white pattern that varies between individuals.
Before we talk about: do skunks hibernate in the winter, lets understand their role in the ecosystem more. Skunks are omnivores and opportunistic feeders, which means they play a crucial role in keeping our ecosystem in balance. Their diet includes insects, grubs, rodents, small mammals, birds, eggs, and even fruit and berries. By consuming grubs and insects, they help control populations that can damage gardens and crops. They also help to keep rodent populations in check.
Skunk Behaviour:
Skunks are generally nocturnal animals, meaning they are most active at night. During the day, they seek shelter in burrows, under decks, or in other protected areas. They are not particularly aggressive animals and will usually only spray if they feel threatened or cornered. Before spraying, a skunk will often give warning signs, such as stamping its feet, hissing, or raising its tail.
Skunk Spray:
The infamous skunk spray is a highly volatile, oily liquid produced by glands located near the skunk’s anus. It contains sulphur-based compounds that give it its characteristic foul odour. The spray can travel up to 10 feet and can cause temporary blindness and nausea if it comes into contact with the eyes or face. The smell can linger for days or even weeks, making it a truly memorable experience!
Now, to answer the burning question: do skunks hibernate in the winter? The answer is no, but it’s a bit more nuanced than that. Skunks don’t go into full hibernation like bears or groundhogs. Instead, they enter a state of torpor. Torpor is a lighter form of dormancy where the skunk’s body temperature, heart rate, and metabolic rate decrease. This allows them to conserve energy during the colder months when food is scarce. Unlike hibernation, skunks in torpor can wake up and move around on warmer days to forage for food. During the winter, skunks often den together in groups to stay warm. These dens can be found in a variety of places, including under porches, sheds, woodpiles, and even abandoned burrows.
While skunks play a beneficial role in our environment, they can become a nuisance if they decide to den on your property. To prevent skunks from taking up residence:
Secure your property: Seal any potential entry points under decks, sheds, and foundations. Remove food sources: Keep garbage cans securely sealed and avoid leaving pet food outdoors.
Motion-activated sprinklers: These can deter skunks and other wildlife from entering your yard. If you do encounter a skunk, remember to give it plenty of space and avoid making any sudden movements that could startle it.
If you have a skunk problem on your property, it’s best to contact a professional wildlife removal service like Pest Protection Plus. We can safely and humanely remove skunks and help you prevent future encounters. Remember: Never attempt to handle a skunk yourself. If you or your pet are sprayed by a skunk, there are several home remedies and commercial products available to help neutralize the odour. By understanding skunk behaviour and taking preventative measures, you can coexist peacefully with these fascinating creatures and appreciate the role they play in our Southern Ontario ecosystem.
Learn more about our humane skunk removal services:
Here is a helpful video: do skunks hibernate in the winter: